Sunday, October 19, 2008

oh the hotness !!

Mood :

there's only one word to describe today... HOT. i thought it was supposed to be spring here in WA !! not summer !! i mean heck by this rate i would be black BY SUMMER !! =( i tan so easily its disgusting !! well alright i don't tan.. i go BLACK. i envy porcelain skinned people.. they just seem so nice to look at. in asia fair skin is considered to be beautiful !! imagine how i felt when i came back to the Philippines earlier this January.. you should've heard the comments i got !!

" Don't you live in Australia?! Why are you so BLACK?!"
" You should go to Belo..."
" You should really try bleaching soaps and lotions !! "

ive tried alot of soaps, lotions, face cleansers, moisturisers all claiming to whiten skin !! but you know what? NONE absolutely NONE worked on me. i remember i used to use "Likas" papaya whitening soap religiously and still i was the same shade of brown as i was before.. clearly just a waste of money !! i did use Ponds whitening everyday facial moisturiser.. it made my skin "white" for a while.. then my skin would go dark again. i could go on and on about wishing to have lighter skin.. if i get really desperate i might even consider going to belo !! apparently she whitens all the star skins like..
- Shaina Magdayao
- Jake Quenca
- Roxanne Guinoo
I mean seriously !!!!!!!!! i want to be whiter !!! i know in western society "tanned" skins are considered to be beautiful and damnit even hollywood celebrities pay hundreds to be my color !!